Foundational Principles of Health - Sleep

Sleep is our primary mode of recovery. Proper sleep allows us to enter the day alert and with greater capacity to handle stressors.

  • Poor sleep disrupts hormones in our body leading which can lead to overeating and binge eating.

  • Sleep is critical for our immune system, growth hormone release, and detoxification.

  • Poor sleep impairs recovery leading to an increase in stress hormones.

  • Your sleep is likely inadequate if you wake to an alarm, wake up fully alert in the middle of the night, or consume a lot of alcohol before bed.  

  • Avoid caffeine after 12 pm. The half-life of caffeine can range from two to five hours and longer for anyone who has a sluggish liver, is pregnant, or taking contraceptives.

  • Sometimes caffeine needs to be completely avoided for proper sleep. Although people vary, most of us tend to thrive on about 8 hours per night.

  • Staying up late in front of the screen can lead to snacking. Light stimulates the pineal gland in the brain leading to melatonin suppression (hormone that facilitates sleep) and cortisol production (stress hormone). The light from the screen can trick your brain into thinking it’s day-time, and the hormonal shift can lead to hunger.

  • And finally, getting adequate sun exposure during the day (which Turks and Caicos has plenty of) will facilitate sleep during the evening.

Sweet dreams.

Drew Scrymgeour