Corporate & Team Resilience Development
What is resilience?
Resilience is the capacity to prepare for, recover from, and adapt in the face of stress, challenge or adversity. Increased resilience fosters greater ability and adaptability to change. Cultivating personal resilience has become an increasingly important topic as the world becomes more stressful for many of us.
Organizational stress is a common and very expensive problem (up to $300 billion annually), and as an attempt to improve health and decrease stress many organizations now have fitness facilities on site with exercise, yoga, and meditation classes. These offerings are great for health and fitness, and they can even reduce some built-up stress. However, these interventions fail to address the problem of stress directly, which is learning how to deal with stress in the moment it occurs. Learning the skills to decrease in-the-moment stress addresses the heart of the issue, and it’s a powerful way to preserve energy, maintain clarity, and foster collaboration and innovation. Reducing stress also leads to increased employee retention, reduced absenteeism, greater productivity, and decreased medical costs.
The Resilience Plus workshop and why it was developed
The Resilience Plus workshop was born out of need. Clinically, many of the complaints people are presenting with are the result of chronic stress. In this case common remedies such as exercise, food adjustments, and detoxification programs can help, but only a little. These interventions are attempts to address an issue where it doesn’t exist - in the person's inability to self-regulate. After years of integrating self-regulation techniques into his coaching practice, Scott developed the Resilience Plus Workshop for organizational teams as a means to strengthen team dynamics, as well as provide an opportunity for people to personally develop and not go it alone. The discussion created by the team is an invaluable experience that everyone gains from. This workshop is unlike any other resilience program because it incorporates heart-rate variability biofeedback with other lifestyle factors that can heavily influence ones ability to self-regulate. Fitness, eating behaviors, sleep, thoughts and judgements, breathing mechanics and much more are all factors addressed in this workshop along with means of improving each.
Support the teams you value
When embarking on change it behooves leaders to support their teams by first teaching them resilience skills. Providing this development will improve the change process and speed adaptability. The primary purpose of the program is to teach self-regulation, which literally allows you to think with a different part of your brain - the smarter portion. The Resilience Plus workshop includes modules on the hormonal system, nervous system, heart rate variability, conflict, values, blood sugar regulation, exercise, and sleep - all important factors when it comes to improving self-regulatory capacity and team collaboration.
Participant benefits include:
Self-regulate worry, frustration, overwhelm, fear
Greater clarity on your needs, ideas, and mental acuity
Better team communication
An ability to discuss opposing ideas without becoming defensive
Regenerative sleep
Increased energy
Improved metabolism (because of reduced stress)
The lessons are relevant to everyone
HeartMath is the underpinning of the workshop. HeartMath resilience workshops are delivered in every sector of society including:
First Responders
Health Professionals
The Resilience Plus workshop delivers positive results
Aggregate results from three different teams that went through the workshop. Program duration was 5 weeks for each team with a total of 28 people total. All areas represent a decrease is stress load: General feelings of stress decreased by 28%, cognitive stress 23%, sleep disturbances decreased by 31%, performance related stress 22%, and gastrointestinal pain and discomfort decreased 26%. Total stress load decreased 26.5%.