“I feel much more calm now. I don’t get overly worked up when stressful situations arise.”
“The techniques that we learned in class had a huge impact on me. In moments where I felt completely overwhelmed, I often practiced [the techniques] to aid in self-regulation and recover to a coherent state.”
“I found it helpful and interesting to learn about the values of my team mates. It helps me to better understand what motivates them.”
“I loved the whole course but of particular interest were the Conflict Styles and Values sections.”
“I’ve struggled with my sleep for quite some time. The program helped better educate its importance and the negative impacts that are associated with lack of quality sleep.”
“I’m much more aware of my surroundings than I have ever been before. ”
“Some days I would have serious stomach pains towards the end of the day. I can remember leaving work some days and having such bad pains I almost couldn’t focus on driving. Since starting this development class, I can’t remember a day that I had any of these pains!”
“Seriously, this was a game changer for me and I have changed so much in just 4 weeks.”
“My ability to pause and check in with myself about why I am having a stress response has increased significantly.”
“I was always quick to react and generally reacted with an elevated (stressed) response. From this course, I have been able to create an inner calm that has helped me react to perceived stress much less or not at all. My overall demeanor is much calmer and I am actually more open to listening as a side-affect. This has really changed me for the better and I am so excited to see how much further I can take it.”
“If I feel stress coming on or feel myself bubbling up, I pause and just start taking deep breaths until my head clears up and I feel like I can make a rational decision for next steps.”
“In general, I’ve been feeling a sense of calm. Also, because I’ve been eating healthy, hydrating, breathing and observing without judgement, I’ve been able to better control reactions. I’m deciding how to best use my energy and catching myself when I’m going to a place where I’m using energy ineffectively. This has helped me slow down and be curious about a situation when I may have either been quiet or reacted in the past.”
“What I have learned from the class helps me daily at work to communicate effectively and maintain focus. I am able to better communicate with my spouse and have a happier more stable relationship. I feel more energized overall and capable of taking on more challenges in my life!”